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Acts of Light

Création le  : The Kennedy Center (Washington)

Direction artistique Martha Graham
Linda Hodes
Ron Protas
Chorégraphie Martha Graham
Danse Mark Borneman
Camille Brown
Kathy Buccellato
Mario Camacho
Christine Dakin
Christopher Dolder
Floyd Flynn
Judith Garay
Joyce Herring
Debra Kantor
Julian Littleford
Theresa Maldonado
Miki Orihara
Pascal Rioult
Kim Stroud
Kenneth Topping
Denise Vale
George White Jr.
Costumes Halston
Lumières Jean Rosenthal
Beverly Emmons
Son Lee Deweerdt
Musique Carl Nielsen
Collaboration aux costumes Jose Aznarez
Collaboration technique Kevin Elliott
Direction de production Colman Rupp
Répétition David Hochoy
Machinerie Timothy Buchman
Accessoires Roger Rutledge
Habillage Amy Arnold
Direction technique Todd Randall
Régie lumières Russel Wicker
Production Martha Graham Dance Company (New York)
Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance (New York)