Hooman Sharifi



Chorégraphe (9)

2023 Sacrifice while lost in salted earth  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2016 The dead live on for they appear to living in dreams  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2014 Every order eventually looses its terror  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
Shadows Remain Silent  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2012 Now the field is open – Maintenant le champ est ouvert  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
Then love was found and set the world on fire – (Lorsque l'amour vînt et mît le feu au monde)  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi conception Hooman Sharifi
2008 God exists, the Mother is present, but they no longer care  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2006 We failed to hold this reality in mind  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2004 As if your death was your longest sneeze ever  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi

Éclairagiste (7)

2023 Sacrifice while lost in salted earth  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2016 The dead live on for they appear to living in dreams  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2014 Every order eventually looses its terror  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2012 Now the field is open – Maintenant le champ est ouvert  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
Then love was found and set the world on fire – (Lorsque l'amour vînt et mît le feu au monde)  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi conception Hooman Sharifi
2008 God exists, the Mother is present, but they no longer care  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2006 We failed to hold this reality in mind  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi

Danseur (6)

2023 Sacrifice while lost in salted earth  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2016 The dead live on for they appear to living in dreams  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2014 Every order eventually looses its terror  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2012 Now the field is open – Maintenant le champ est ouvert  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2006 We failed to hold this reality in mind  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2004 As if your death was your longest sneeze ever  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi

Autres métiers (7)

Metteur en scène

2014 Shadows Remain Silent  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi


2012 Then love was found and set the world on fire – (Lorsque l'amour vînt et mît le feu au monde)  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi conception Hooman Sharifi

Directeur artistique

2023 Sacrifice while lost in salted earth  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi
2014 Not Here / Not Ever  chorégraphie Sang Jijia
2012 Then love was found and set the world on fire – (Lorsque l'amour vînt et mît le feu au monde)  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi conception Hooman Sharifi
2008 God exists, the Mother is present, but they no longer care  chorégraphie Hooman Sharifi

Regard extérieur

2022 Batty Bwoy  conception Harald Beharie